I hope everyone can try fresh leaf! It’s wild. I have a pretty high tolerance too. I was shocked

Raw Kratom Leaf with Raw Honey Review
Raw Kratom Leaf with Raw Honey Review – I had 1 with honey. Chewed up…… definitely never chewing more than 1 at a time Immediately felt it. I’m still feeling it! It’s been over 3 hrs. I hope everyone can try fresh leaf! It’s wild. I have a pretty high tolerance too. I was shocked
Ive ordered more organic honey from Amazon to keep all these leaves. Didn’t really think that through ordering 30 tea leaves
Crystal Rodgers
Review KozyKratom Powder & Raw Kratom Leaf

Review KozyKratom Powder & Raw Kratom Leaf
Review KozyKratom Powder & Raw Kratom Leaf – If you are the guy who runs Kozy Kratom your stuff is fantastic. I recently bought your Green Indo Premium Kilo and 15 fresh leaf bundle. The green Indo is phenomenal quality Kratom like I haven’t had in ages. The fresh Kratom leaf was FAR more potent than I expected as well. I chewed 2 leaves and it laid me completely out after a long work week. I took the green Indo after waking up and it has me feeling warm and fuzzy and energetic all over, love it. I’m absolutely blown away at how potent this stuff is.
I had a regular Kratom vendor for around the first 3 years I took it. The vendor was Kraydo and his Green Asia was absolute fire. I could take a teaspoon morning, noon, and night and it would wire me to the gills, put me in a great mood, and relieve pain as well. Basically all the things you need when you are middle aged and working hard. Then all the sudden one day I ordered a Kilo and it wasn’t the same stuff. He either switched sources or substituted something else and I could immediately tell by the taste and smell. Since then I have yet to find green Kratom of that potency until I got yours. I really appreciate for being a great vendor and your work in Kratom advocacy.
Red Elephant Leaf Kratom Review – Athena Fern

Red Elephant Leaf Kratom Powder Review – Athena Fern
Red Elephant Leaf Kratom Powder Review – “Amazing customer service and next level amazing kratom” – I got the white maeng da and red Elephant Leaf as well as some fresh leaf. The Red Vein Elephant Leaf leaf is so great for muscle ache! I take this as my days second dose and it takes away 95% of my back pain!!! The white maeng da is now my first dose of the day because it has that coffee effect like no other strain. The people that work here are more knowledgeable than any other vendor I’ve used! They have a permanent customer with me!!
From: Athena Fern
White Maeng Da Kratom Review – Athena Fern

White Maeng Da Kratom Review – Athena Fern
“Amazing customer service and next level amazing kratom” – I got the white maeng da and red Elephant Leaf as well as some fresh leaf. The Red Vein Elephant Leaf leaf is so great for muscle ache! I take this as my days second dose and it takes away 95% of my back pain!!! The white maeng da is now my first dose of the day because it has that coffee effect like no other strain. The people that work here are more knowledgeable than any other vendor I’ve used! They have a permanent customer with me!!
From: Athena
What Is Kratom Stem and Vein? – Kratomleaf.us

What Is Kratom Stem and Vein?
What Is Kratom Stem and Vein? – As you know the stems and veins are part of the kratom leaf. They are typically removed during the harvesting process. However, there is wellness support within these parts of the leaves. This would be kratom that is composed of the main stem and vein material. Since it is very hard to rid the fatty tissue from the stem and veins you will notice that your mixture will contain some other parts as well. So, when kratom farmers are disassembling the leaves they will separate the stem and vein material to be sold separately. The leaves are harvested, left to dry, and then farmers will carefully destem and devein the leaves before they are crushed into a powder. The raw parts of the kratom leaves, also known as kratom vein and stem, will be packaged and sold as-is.
They contain a wealth of alkaloids that live within the kratom plant. Since these parts of the kratom plant do have value, farmers have started packaging them and selling them as a byproduct of kratom. However, it is important to note that there is a lack of scientific studies when it comes to the kratom industry. The value of the stem and veins has never really been researched and only anecdotal advice is available on these products. When conducting your own research, you will find that some kratom users say this byproduct contains weaker amounts of the alkaloids that live within the leaf. Others say they contain higher amounts. However, there is no concrete evidence to support either claim. Regardless of research, there is some value within the kratom stem and veins. They contain very unique characteristics that some kratom users are seeking.
Why Would You Want To Use Stem and Vein Kratom?
Most kratom users will opt for kratom powders and capsules. Stem and vein kratom is a product that stands out on its own. This type of kratom has a variety of uses that appeal to some kratom users. One notable use of stem and vein kratom is to combine it with powder. This provides the user with a very diverse product packed with a large range of alkaloids. It will also provide a very aromatic essence.
One thing that really appeals to kratom users is the pricing of stem and vein kratom. This form of kratom will be priced even cheaper than powder. This means that potentially they could purchase stem and vein kratom and grind it up themselves. This type of kratom does appeal to those who are looking for a budget-friendly solution.
Kratom Leaf vs. Stem and Vein
The powder is very different from stem and vein products. For those who are seeking kratom for a robust alkaloid profile, you will probably want to stick to kratom powder. While stem and vein kratom does contain some alkaloids, it will never provide the same type of support that kratom powder does. However, there are instances when a customer may prefer to use stem and vein kratom over powder. Here are just a few examples where this may be the case.
Kratom Candle – How to make a kratom candle
Kratom Candle – How to make a kratom candle
Kratom Candle – How to make a kratom candle – There are many benefits you could get from simply lighting an aromatherapy candle. Taking things to the next level, you can try to make Kratom aromatherapy candle to get the benefits of both properties.
Generally, aromatherapy candles can help you relax, feel calm, energized and help your brain get into a more productive mindset.
What’s more, Kratom is known for its main benefits of pain relief, help with sleep disorders, mood and energy boost.
With all of those properties, Kratom aromatherapy candles can be one of the essential parts of your overall well-being.
Therefore, knowing how to make one of these candles will come in handy for you too.
Carry on to find out!
WHAT YOU NEED – Kratom Candles
Before telling you how to make it, here is a list of things you will need to make Kratom aromatherapy candle:
- 2 tablespoons of Fresh kratom leaf / Crushed Kratom Leaf / Kratom Powder.
- 6 cups of pure soy wax flakes
- 3 natural wicks (hemp, cotton, or wood)
- 6 teaspoons of essential oil
- 3 4-ounce glass or metal container
- Saucepan
- Old aluminum can for melting wax
- Kitchen thermometer
- 3 pair of chopsticks or clothespin to hold the wicks
(These ingredient will yield 3, 4-ounce Kratom candle for Aromatheropy)
WHAT TO DO – Kratom Candle
Time needed: 3 hours and 15 minutes.
Here are the 5 steps to make Kratom aromatherapy candle:
- Melt The Wax
Place your soy flakes in the old aluminum can. Fill the saucepan halfway with water and place the can of soy wax in the center.
Allow the water to simmer until the wax melts completely. - Add Kratom Powder & Essential Oil
Remove the can and place your kitchen thermometer in the hot wax. Check the temperature every few minutes until the wax cools to 185 degrees or a bit lower.
Add your Kratom powder and essential oil. Stir to combine. - Anchor The Wick
Anchor the wick to the bottom of the container using a bit of wax. Make sure you place the wick in the center of the container. Use a clothespin or chopsticks to keep it upright.
- Pour The Wax
Pour the wax into the container and allow it to cool for several hours, or overnight.
- Cut The Wick.
Cut the wick to about 1/8 inch above the wax to reduce soot and your candle is done!
- If you are not sure how much wax you need, you can fill your container with the wax flakes first. Then, double it up. That’s how much wax you will need to melt to fill the container.
- To keep the scent from fading over time, always keep your candle covered when not in use.
- Use soy wax so your candle could burn longer and cleaner, resulting in less soot and smoke in the air, while elongating the natural scents.
- Use natural waxes to avoid toxic substances that crank out when you lit your candle
After following through the steps, you will get your aromatherapy candle.
However, if by chance you are not sure which Kratom powder to use, here are some of our recommendations!
Reddit review of Kratomleaf.us – American Kratom
Reddit review of Kratomleaf.us
Reddit review of Kratomleaf.us – “Y’all need to grab some of their fresh raw leaf! It’s great quality and one of the very very few vendors to offer American grown mature fresh leaf.“…” 😁 I’ve gotten a ton of orders from you guys. Leaf, powder, the hand made jewelry. All that and I support what you guys are doing 1000%.” – Kratom541
Where does the money from your order go to?
We are a small self funded American Kratom nursery. Our team does not take payment for our work. Everything we make goes back into the nursery, Documenting kratom, Our kratom social media platform Kratom Watchdog, Our kratom avatar chat Kynto, and our other kratom advocacy projects.’
Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS

Kratom Watchdog Android & IOS
Have you heard of the Kratom Watchdog app? Kratom Watchdog is a kratom social network built from the ground up by one of the founding member of the non-profit American Kratom Association (AKA). A booming social community with a focus on kratom advocacy. Kratom Watchdog is the oldest kratom social media platform online. With over 400 videos and over 200,000 photo’s from our own kratom Nursery. And 7,000 members we have a very strong growers community that are always willing to help. Kratom Watchdog is available on Android, IOS, and at kratomwatchdog.com. We are a small self funded development studio. If you would like to donate to the development of the platform we would appreciate it. Thank you for your continued support.
Harvesting Kratom Variations and Experiences

Harvesting Kratom Variations and Experiences
If you’re a regular kratom user, you may have noticed some variations from one batch of kratom powder to another. Even if you’re buying the same strain each time, you may notice minor differences in color or even (slight) variations in potency. It’s a natural part of the kratom experience.
In short, these variations are due to environmental fluctuations. Throughout Southeast Asia, kratom grows naturally year-round. But, depending on the season in which it’s harvested, kratom leaves undergo a series of subtle changes. In this article, we’ll go over the various factors at work, the effects they will have on users’ kratom experience, and the steps we take to ensure Kratom Spot customers receive a top-quality product, regardless of the harvest season.
Environmental Factors and Their Effects on Kratom Crop
The main factor that affects kratom is the season in which a crop is harvested. Although kratom trees grow year-round, the ambient weather can have an effect on the crop, changing both its physical appearance and its chemical composition.
All of our kratom strains come directly from the source: expert Southeast Asia kratom farms, located principally in Indonesia. This region has, essentially, two seasons. From April to October, there is the “dry season,” a period of reduced rain and increased natural sunlight. From November to March, the region experiences its “monsoon season,” which brings significantly increased rains and reduced natural light.
Kratom trees are somewhat temperamental, and these environmental fluctuations have an effect. With changing seasons, kratom experiences changes in both appearance and potency.
Color Fluctuations
Depending on the season that they’re harvested, kratom leaves can appear slightly different. This, in turn, causes a noticeable impact on the color of the ground kratom powder produced from the leaves.
During the dry season, the increased sun and reduced rains create a slightly darker crop. By contrast, the monsoon season produces kratom leaves with a noticeably lighter color.
These cosmetic changes are more apparent for some kratom strains than they are for others. For white vein and green vein strains, the difference is typically relatively mild, though it is often still noticeable.
For red vein strains, however, the difference can be quite significant. That’s because red vein strains are left on the tree to mature for much longer. That extra time causes the distinctive red color, but it also allows the seasonal differences to have a more significant impact.
But worry not! These color variations are perfectly natural, and they do not indicate a difference in the quality of the product or the kratom experience you’ll have when using it.
Potency Fluctuations
While color may be obvious, most kratom users will be more concerned with their kratom powder’s potency. And, indeed, seasonal fluctuations can have an impact on the potency of a given kratom harvest. However, the impact is quite mild and is unlikely to have a significant impact on users’ kratom experiences.
Kratom’s unique effects are a result of the plant’s natural alkaloid balance. As with any plant, environmental conditions such as rainfall, sunlight, and even insects can shift the alkaloid content up or down.
While that may sound worrisome for kratom users, rest assured that the seasonal alkaloid variations are extraordinarily mild. Moreover, we take precautions at every step of the process to ensure a pure and potent product, regardless of season (more on these precautions below).
Again, seasonal variations in kratom potency are quite mild, and careful harvesting practices can minimize variance. Ultimately, users are unlikely to notice a significant difference in their kratom experience, regardless of the harvest season.
How Kratom Spot Ensures a Quality Kratom Experience, Regardless of Harvest Season
Kratom Spot users know that we’re dedicated to being the best source for all things kratom. It’s a mission we take seriously, and we take precautions at every step of the process to ensure that you’ll receive a truly world-class product, every time.
Here’s an overview of what we do to ensure that you’ll receive top-quality kratom powder, regardless of harvest season.
We Work With Southeast Asia’s Most Experienced Farms
Before starting Kratom Spot, we toured the globe interviewing kratom farmers to find those with the most experience and expertise. Since then, we’ve stood by them because of their consistent product, fair trade practices, and environmentally sustainable farming.
One of our selection criteria dealt with how our farms would deal with seasonal fluctuations. Because of their decades of experience, our partner farms have developed techniques to minimize the seasons’ impact on alkaloid potency. It’s a strenuous and demanding set of harvest protocols but produces a more consistent and potent crop than would be otherwise possible.
We Provide Only High-Quality, All-Natural Kratom Leaf Powder
Unlike less reputable vendors, we never tamper with our kratom powder. While adding food coloring or dye to our kratom powder would give the appearance of a more consistent product, it’s something we simply refuse to do.
Although the seasonal variations in color may raise a few eyebrows from the uninitiated, we view it as a mark of pride. The seasonal color changes are a feature of kratom in all its natural glory, and artificially altering it would be a betrayal of all that we stand for. Moreover, seasonal color variation has minimal impact on users’ kratom experience and should not be a cause for concern.
We Harvest Year-Round to Provide Only the Freshest Kratom
Some users might wonder, “why not harvest all your kratom in one season, then store it to sell year-round?” And indeed, that would certainly decrease variations in the color of our kratom powder batches. But doing that would mean that our stock wouldn’t be as fresh. And with kratom powder, freshness is key.
As kratom ages, it undergoes a series of chemical changes. Most importantly, the alkaloid content of the kratom leaf dwindles over time. That means that old kratom is less potent and will lead to a noticeably less enjoyable kratom experience for users.
While our cutting-edge technology and innovative storage facilities reduce the rate at which kratom powder ages, we cannot halt the process entirely. So, in order to provide you with the highest quality kratom powder year round, we need to harvest year round.
For more on the importance of using only the freshest kratom, see our guide to keeping kratom fresh.
We Use the Most Rigorous Third-Party Testing Methods in the Industry
After our partner farms complete their harvest, each batch of kratom leaves undergoes a rigorous battery of tests to ensure quality, purity, and potency. Because our products are third-party tested, we know they are free from harmful contaminants and will lead to a pleasant, consistent kratom experience, regardless of harvesting season.
One of the most important of these tests is to verify the alkaloid levels of our kratom powder. As mentioned above, seasonal weather patterns can affect the levels of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine in a batch of kratom leaves. These differences are typically mild and are further minimized by our partner farms’ expert methods.
However, batches do occasionally exhibit larger fluctuations. But because every batch of our kratom products is third-party tested, we can ensure that the alkaloid levels live up to our exacting standards, regardless of the growing season.
On the rare occasion that a batch of kratom leaf doesn’t meet our potency standards, we don’t sell it. It’s that simple.
From there, we use cutting-edge technology to package, store, and preserve our fresh kratom powder, all done in adherence to GMP standards and sanitary protocols.
Kratom Harvest Variations and the Kratom Experience, In Closing
While seasonal variations do have an impact on the appearance of your kratom, it’s nothing to worry about. In fact, it’s a perfectly natural development, and we refuse to tamper in any way with our all-natural product.
And while Southeast Asia’s seasons can impact the potency of batches, we take every step to ensure that you’ll have a pleasant, consistent kratom experience every time.
We take no shortcuts on the path to excellence, and we stand by our partner farms, our QA, and the quality of our product. If you have any questions about our methods, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our knowledgeable customer support staff.
Botanical Queens- Review fresh kratom leaf
Fresh leaf from Pervis Walter is seriously amazing. I tried the green, white, pink, and mature. I only needed 2-3 leaves (I mostly spit out the plant matter but you can swallow it!) and added raw sugar to cut the bitterness. It’s not bitter like the powder though. And the 3ff3cts are incredible. Such a light feeling (makes you more aware of the mold content in certain powder teas) and made me feel optimistic, happy, carefree, and yes it helped the pa!n just as much as the powder does. Definitely treat yourself to this! (pm him for more info!).
Seriously, thank you for a life changing experience! I want to do an in-depth review on my YouTube channel of you in the future . More people need to try the fresh leaf!
Emily Petokas – Botanical Queens
Picking 10ft kratom tree before transport

Picking 10ft kratom tree before transport
Picking 10ft kratom tree before transport- We are picking this 2 year old 10ft tall kratom tree before we transport it. We do this so that the leaf does not get damaged during transport. 40mph winds can damage kratom leaf. It is best to wrap them up if you can. You can see us drive the tree here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zC6HwWBL2os&t=1s and you can see the tree vertical where I failed to move it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V70Iv9xrNR4&t=3s . This tree is one of 3 that we have to move and I will post the other moves when I film them. Thank you to Joshua for helping me out.
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